False window
A window that is often sealed for decorative purposes. It does not serve the typical functions of a window, such as letting in light or air. Many blind windows were created in Europe between the late 17th and mid-19th centuries to avoid the window tax, a property tax based on the number of windows in a building. They were also used to enhance the aesthetics of large walls or to emphasize the symmetry of a facade. Also called the blank window or blind window.
Texts From Articles (2)
The Smile Sealed Inside a Bubble—Natsume Soseki’s Inside Glass Doors
Natsume Soseki composed Inside Glass Doors at the end of his life. From inside his room, the “I” of these essays watches the days go by, meditating over visions of the past. Toshiyuki Horie, writer an…
16 Mar 2021
Rushing Along the Nile: Egypt and the Nile
After walking around Cairo for a few days, I took a flight to Aswan, Egypt’s southernmost city. From there, I followed the Nile River north for about ten days back to Cairo together with acquain…
10 Dec 2020