Cross window
A window with mullions and transoms forming a cross, often seen in Gothic and Renaissance architecture. It is commonly paired with stained glass for both decoration and support.
Texts From Articles (132)
Swiss Window Journeys: A Conversation between Andrea Deplazes, Laurent Stalder, and Momoyo Kaijima
On 12 April 2024, to celebrate the publication of Swiss Window Journeys: Architectural Field Notes, the Chair of Architectural Behaviorology organized a walking tour of notable windows across the city…
17 Dec 2024
CCA-WRI Research Fellowship 2024
This fellowship program, launched jointly with the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), is open to accomplished professionals who hold a doctoral degree or have substantial work experience and a co…
31 Jul 2024
Issue 14: A Window for Standing Still—Fieldoffice Architects, Paomagudao Park
This issue, I’d like to introduce a park that I designed myself. Jiaoxi, Yilan’s Paomagudao Park, completed in 2021, was formerly the Mingde Training Class, built as a training school (qua…
22 Jan 2025
Architecture in Motion
Architect YU Momoeda, who is a long-time admirer of Shoei Yoh, participated in the Find and Tell residency program of the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), providing his readings of the archival…
19 Mar 2025
Shoei Yoh’s “Light Architecture”
Through this series, “Shoei Yoh: A Journey of Light”, we have compiled analyses of the work of architect Shoei Yoh focused on the theme of light. Here is a recap of their contents. First, in “Light is…
28 Mar 2025
Shoei Yoh: Architecture of Light, the Real, and Monism
Architectural historian Yoshitake Doi, who began teaching in Kyushu in the 1990s and witnessed firsthand as Fukuoka-based Shoei Yoh completed numerous works one after another, explores the essence of …
20 Dec 2024
Terunobu Fujimori│008: The Ribbon Window of the Karuizawa Summer House—The Modernists’ Dream, Realized in Japan
In this series, architectural historian Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intriguing windows fo…
20 Mar 2025
“Shoei Yoh: A Journey of Light” Symposium Report
On September 7, 2024, the symposium “Shoei Yoh: A Journey of Light” was held at the AIJ Hall (Architectural Institute of Japan, Tokyo). Centered around the theme of “light”, this event was organized a…
25 Feb 2025
Talk Event Report: Swiss Window Journeys Speakers: Momoyo Kaijima, Chie Konno, Fumiko Takahama, Mio Tsuneyama
On June 22, 2024 (Saturday), the Swiss Window Journeys – Swiss Windows and Architecture talk event was held in the Architectural Hall of the Architectural Institute of Japan. The event was held to cel…
26 Sep 2024
The Diversity of Windows in Kiyonori Kikutake’s Serizawa Literary Center (Serizawa Kojiro Memorial Museum)
Numazu, Shizuoka—the birthplace of Kojiro Serizawa, the author known for works such as Ningen no Unmei [The Fate of a Human]. Nestled in a pine forest beside Suruga Bay is the Serizawa Literary Center…
25 Dec 2024
The Windows of the Diffendorfer Memorial Hall and University Chapel at the International Christian University (ICU): Preserving, Passing On, And…
The International Christian University’s campus plan was originally designed by W. M. Vories & Co. and later developed by Antonin Raymond. The Diffendorfer Memorial Hall and University Chapel, whi…
28 Aug 2024
A Conversation with Silke Langenberg
Silke Langenberg, Full Professor for Construction Heritage and Preservation in the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich, has been conducting surveys of folk houses throughout Switzerland and explo…
25 Jul 2024
The Windows of the Cachat Buvette in Evian|Jean Prouvé’s Windows #4
After resuming his creative activities with his new firm, Jean Prouvé Constructions, Prouvé presented an alternative version of the béquille in a project he had been working on concurrently with the V…
18 Jul 2024
CCA-WRI Research Fellowship 2024
This fellowship program, launched jointly with the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), is open to accomplished professionals who hold a doctoral degree or have substantial work experience and a co…
01 Aug 2023
Issue 12: A Small Church for the Indigenous (Taitung)
It’s said that Christians now constitute around 7% of Taiwan’s population, a rather high proportion compared to Japan’s stated rate of around 1%. Though neighboring countries, their …
20 Jun 2024
Shoei Yoh: A Journey of Light—Introduction
Architect Shoei Yoh began his creative career as an interior designer in the 1970s. In 2019, he donated materials from his professional archive to Kyushu University, where they are currently being cat…
21 Mar 2024
Windows of the Villejuif Temporary School|Jean Prouvé’s Windows #3
After being driven out of the Maxéville Factory in Nancy, Prouvé was prepared to go into retirement at his self-built home. Yet, he would begin developing new window designs again after reuniting with…
28 Mar 2024
The Windows of Hiroshi Hara’s Awazu House: Spaces of Light Illuminating the Darkness
The Awazu House, designed by Hiroshi Hara, now searches for a path toward continuity. A number of masterpieces have been created here at this home and atelier of world-famous graphic designer Kiyoshi …
26 Apr 2024
Issue 11: Joined Somewhere, Connected Throughout—Chen Chi-Kwan, Tunghai University Methodist Hall
The campus of Taiwan’s first private university, Tunghai University, stretches across the suburbs of Taichung, a city in the center-west of Taiwan. It is Taiwan’s first Christian school fo…
04 Mar 2024
A Home that Draws in Breezes from All Directions: The Fumiko Hayashi House
Fumiko Hayashi (1903–1951), a prominent Showa era writer, established a new residence in Shimoochiai (present-day Nakai), Tokyo, in 1941, amid a time of war. While commissioning the project to archite…
19 Mar 2025
Terunobu Fujimori│007: The Shōji of the Rinshunkaku
In this series, architectural historian Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intriguing windows fo…
01 Feb 2024
Tokoname City Municipal Ceramics Laboratory (Tokoname Tounomori Laboratory)
The gradated purple mosaic exterior tiles are a surprising sight as one approaches this building, wh…
27 Feb 2025
Serizawa Literary Center (Serizawa Kojiro Memorial Museum)
Nestled within a coastal pine grove, this building, characterized by its four tower-like cores, was …
27 Feb 2025
ICU Diffendorfer Memorial Hall / ICU Chapel
The ICU Diffendorfer Memorial Hall has continuous windows with frames made of cast aluminum. The com…
27 Feb 2025
Aichi University of the Arts Lecture Building
This building extends 110 meters in the north-south direction, establishing a strong axis at the hea…
27 Feb 2025
Fumiko Hayashi Residence
Built as two separate structures to comply with wartime restrictions that limited new residential co…
27 Feb 2025
Windows of the Aichi University of the Artsby Junzo Yoshimura and Akio Okumura:The Concrete Science of Living with Nature
The Aichi University of the Arts was built to the designs of Junzo Yoshimura and Akio Okumura in 1966. Situated in the forested hills of Nagakute, Aichi, the campus was planned with consideration of e…
19 Jan 2024
Terunobu Fujimori│006: The Shitomi of the Kondo Hall at Ninnaji Temple
In this series, architectural historian Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intriguing windows fo…
12 Sep 2023
The Prince Karuizawa: The Materiality of Kiyoshi Seike’s Windows
The New Karuizawa Prince Hotel (now The Prince Karuizawa) built in 1982 was designed by Kiyoshi Seike. Seike is known as the architect of a number of Prince hotels locations, with Karuizawa being the …
12 Oct 2023
Issue 9: The Windy County Office—Yilan County Hall (Atelier Zo)
While this column has primarily introduced the windows of unnamed buildings in Taiwan, there are a number of works of modern and contemporary architecture that I would like to discuss. One such struct…
31 Oct 2023
A Conversation with Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter
On the occasion of the “Windowology: New Architectural Views from Japan” currently being held in Copenhagen, we conducted a series of interviews with four Danish architects in cooperation …
12 Jul 2023
Located on the outskirts of Sapporo, this single-story modernist building, constructed with weatheri…
27 Feb 2025
Double Vision
Selecting “wallpaper” or organizing files on a “desktop” are now familiar acts that can either take place on our digital devices or in our living rooms. Through the screen’s interface, we gain access …
06 Jul 2023
Does light stop within window panes? – Yuriko Kurimoto’s Window
Since Kunié Sugiura wrote about windows in New York last time, let’s start this article on the topic of the American windows that were once in Nagoya. Yamato Seimei Building (originally the Nago…
11 May 2023
Terunobu Fujimori│005: The Katōmado of the Shizutani School Auditorium: An Un-Japanese Japanese Window
In this series, architectural historian Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intriguing windows fo…
05 Jul 2023
Donald Judd and Windows: Contemplating Openings Through the Artist’s Interior Designs and Architectural Renovations
0. Introduction——Why Judd Now? Donald Judd (1928–94), an icon of American Minimalism, has many admirers in the architecture world. Presumably, this is because his artwork is loaded with allusions to a…
07 Feb 2024
Kunié Sugiura – My Window
A window is a structure that lets light into a room and provides a view of the outside world, but when windows appear in photographs, they are often there to serve as a background or explanation for t…
02 Mar 2023
Terunobu Fujimori | 004: The French Windows of the Glover House: Arrivals from India
In this series, architectural historian Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intriguing windows fo…
20 Feb 2023
Issue 7: The Slate Village Down the Mountains: Pingtung
There are now around 580,000 native Taiwanese (the term used in Chinese. In Japan, it seems the term “indigenous” is often used), representing 2.5% of the Taiwanese population. The governm…
09 Mar 2023
The Divine Invasion: Aldo Rossi’s Windows without Glass
When we face the presence of towering walls, massive mountains, or solid architectural volumes, we feel both fear and affection. The nature of a solid wall seems to suggest something divine or sublime…
13 Feb 2023
Screen Time
Screens are everywhere: stadiums, stations, billboards, buildings, refrigerators, thermostats, on our wrists, and in our hands. As a physical interface and virtual portal, screens are also the digital…
25 Jan 2023
Conversation with EMI Architekten
Ron Edelaar, Elli Mosayebi, and Christian Inderbitzin founded EMI Architekten in Zurich in 2005. The office has developed a particular focus on housing and urban design in Switzerland through numerous…
15 Dec 2022
Issue 6: Beckoning Qilous
Just about everyone in Taiwan eats similar food from the countless semi-outdoor dining halls there. The students all line up for newly opened chicken stores, and the old men dully slurp their wonton n…
27 Oct 2022
CCA-WRI Research Fellowship 2023
This fellowship program, launched jointly with the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), is open to accomplished professionals who hold a doctoral degree or have substantial work experience and a co…
10 Aug 2022
Terunobu Fujimori | 003: The Vertical Sliding Windows of the Public Speaking Hall (Mita Enzetsukan)
In this series, architectural historian and architect Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intrigu…
24 Aug 2022
Issue 5: The Matsu Islands: Small Windows on the Frontier (Part 2)
The first morning of the new year arrived as I stayed in my room on the frontier, and I decided to survey the quiet guesthouse before my friends woke up. While the stonework building appeared to only …
20 Jul 2022
Issue 4: The Matsu Islands: Small Windows on the Frontier (Part 1)
The Matsu islands are located in northwest Taiwan, about as close to mainland China as you can get. It’s one of the farthest locations from Taiwan’s center, its sweet potato-shaped main is…
25 May 2022
No.0: Six Topics for Makoto Ueda’s Interpretation of the Window Space
To kick off the series “Vague Focal Space at the Window,” I interviewed Makoto Ueda, the former Editor in Chief of Toshi Jutaku (Urban Housing) and GA HOUSES. Here, Mr. Ueda has offered six examples t…
18 Apr 2022
Takamasa Yosizaka: A Window Looking Out on the Slope of a Mountain, For One to View the Scenery Below
Directing light into a room and letting in air are the major roles for window to play in making a living environment comfortable. Yet, there is also a type of window whose main purpose is to expose th…
31 Mar 2022
Junzo Yoshimura, Sonoda House: Sliding Glass Door Leading to the Garden and Waist-high Window Making a Space Somewhat Core to the Design
A room with a vague focal space During an exhibition of the work of YOSHIMURA Junzo (1908–1997) in 2005 (held at The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts), YOSHIMURA was featured in NHK…
30 Mar 2022
Looking Through: Le Corbusier Windows
29 Nov 2019
The Windows of the Migishi Atelier: Inheritance and Change
In October of last year (2021), the Migishi Atelier (Kamisaginomiya, Nakano, Tokyo) was opened to the public after the architecture collective GROUP completed a partial renovation of its interior wall…
01 Apr 2022
Window Research Institute: New Website Launched
The Window Research Institute has renovated its website on March 31st, 2022. With this renovation, we overhauled the design and layout of the website and improved searchability to make it easier for u…
14 Apr 2022
Terunobu Fujimori| 002: The Diverse Openings of the Yosuitei’s Thirteen-Window Tearoom
In this series, architectural historian and architect Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intrigu…
24 Mar 2022
A Conversation with Christ & Gantenbein
Christ & Gantenbein was formed in 1998 by Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein after graduating from ETH Zurich. To date, they have been involved in a wide range of projects, including the reno…
31 Mar 2022
Issue 3: Where the Pavilions Went : Orchid Island (Part 2)
I left the village of Yeyin and took a trip around the island. Going on the road made me conscious of being in another land, but in a different way from mainland Taiwan, whether I encountered a pack o…
12 Jan 2022
Terunobu Fujimori|001: The Advent of Magical Light-Transmitting Surfaces, Glass Doors of the Hirano Residence
In this series, architectural historian and architect Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intrigu…
09 Dec 2021
Issue 2: The Buried Black Roofs : Orchid Island (Part 1)
While we may often speak of “Taiwanese people,” people belonging to a variety of ethnicities and religions live in Taiwan. While I flew to Taiwan’s main island for this installment, …
11 Nov 2021
Japan House London presents Windowology: New Architectural Views from Japan
The Window Research Institute is pleased to announce the exhibition Windowology: New Architectural Views from Japan, from 1 December 2021 until 24 April 2022 at Japan House London. Booking from here. …
01 Oct 2021
Windows of the Prouvé House|Jean Prouvé’s Windows #2
The Prouvé House is an intriguing example of a building that was made by piecing together leftover parts from past projects. In the second article of this series, Shin Yokoo examines how Prouvé incorp…
22 Oct 2021
CCA-WRI Research Fellowship 2022
This fellowship program, launched jointly with the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), is open to accomplished professionals who hold a doctoral degree or have substantial work experience and a co…
19 Oct 2021
Yusho Takiguchi, Aram from Armenia
The atmosphere in a room viewed through a window. The outdoor scenery as you look through the window. The moving views you see from a train window. Windows give vague boundaries to our everyday lives,…
27 Apr 2021
Today/Yesterday #2
This column is the second in a series by artist Yokomizo Shizuka, who lives in London. She weaves together photographs and text to show us what she sees through her windows as the everyday changes dra…
09 Mar 2021
Takashi Homma on photographing the window in Le Corbusier’s architecture
Eye Camera Window: Takashi Homma on Le Corbusier will be presented at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal. On display is a series of Takashi Homma’s photographs reflecting the photogr…
12 Feb 2021
A Conversation with Gion A. Caminada
Vrin is a village of fewer than 250 people nestled in a lush valley in the canton of Graubünden in eastern Switzerland. It is also the home of architect Gion A. Caminada, who has designed many buildin…
15 Feb 2021
Shizuka Yokomizo|Today/Yesterday #1
Today/Yesterday is a series of columns written by London-based artist Shizuka Yokomizo. She weaves together photographs and text to show us what she observes through her windows as the everyday gentl…
14 Jan 2021
An Alien Landscape from the Window
Clear air, born from the trees, the land. White steam that murmurs from a kitchen. Plants that sprout from the earth, and flowers floating in a vase. The pigments in the sky at sunset, primary colors …
19 Nov 2020
Rei Naito: Mirror Creation
Rei Naito is an artist who creates works that converse with the environments that surround them, posing the question “Isn’t simply existing on the earth a blessing in itself?” In the case of Mirror Cr…
02 Nov 2020
Japan House Los Angeles Unveils New Exhibition: “Windowology: New Architectural Views from Japan”
Exhibition Marks First for JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles Since Pandemic Closure; Featuring Windows & Their Unique Perspectives on the World ,The Window Research Institute is proud to announce the launch…
28 Oct 2020
Chapter 3: The viewfinder—transparency and voyeurism from Albrecht Dürer to Ai Weiwei
Every representational image ever made is necessarily a finite framing of the outside world, a viewfinder presenting only what the creator wants us to see. This finite point of view is configured insi…
08 Oct 2020
Facing the Arches: Cairo, Egypt (part 2)
Before Al-Qahirah, the city that would become Cairo, was created in the 10th century, the city of Fustat stood slightly to the south. In this region now known as Old Cairo is the oldest mosque on the …
15 Sep 2020
The Window: A Journey of Art and Architecture through Windows at the Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art
The Window Research Institute will be holding an exhibition titled The Window: A Journey of Art and Architecture through Windows together with the Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art…
02 Sep 2020
A Conversation with Gigon / Guyer
The Chair of Architectural Behaviorology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), led by architect Momoyo Kaijima, conducted a series of interviews with architects based in Switz…
17 Jun 2020
The Architecture of the Window
In addition to his design practice, the architect Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani has also cultivated a unique philosophical approach to the fields of architectural theory and history through his writings…
07 May 2020
Windows in Photography: Conversations with Iwan Baan, Takashi Homma and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
Three panelists discuss how photography, architecture, and windows are interrelated. They are Iwan Baan, who has been photographing prominent architectural works by the world’s leading architect…
09 Apr 2020
Shifted Windows: Masuleh, Iran
There is a small village in the valleys of Iran known as Masuleh that has stood there for over a thousand years. Its tiered homes are built along the mountain’s steep face, and it seems to also …
03 Dec 2019
Breathing in the Desert: Yazd, Iran
The bus that headed from northern to southern Iran passed once more through alien landscapes created by the desert. It’s as if one must pass through other planets before arriving in another city…
01 Oct 2019
Ch.2 Symbolic Realism
The pioneers (2) Talbot ,View of the Boulevards at Paris, 1843 William Henry Fox Talbot was in France between May and June 1843. The main reason for his trip was to teach a series of aspiring calotypi…
11 Jul 2019
A Desert Below Sea Level — Turpan, Part 1
What kind of place is a desert below sea level? ,Turpan is located in the west of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, an autonomous region of China. The city has long served people as an oasis of t…
08 Mar 2017
Red Wine from the Terraced Fields of the Bormida Valley
The Bormida Valley is located in the southern part of Piedmont, a region in northwestern Italy located about two hours by car from Genova. Because the valley is at a high elevation of 400-800m, the te…
28 May 2019
The City Is a Bazaar: Tabriz, Iran
Outside my bus window, a new sight to me stretched as far as the eye could see. Smooth mountains that seemed to be striped red and white, sharp and freshly shaved mountains colored bright red, and con…
08 May 2019
The windows in the dining room of a house designed by Edwin Lutyens in the London suburb of Surrey. Bay windows are repeated across the façade, creating a large aperture for the room, in which a long …
05 Jun 2017
Chapter 1: The studio – exploring the mind of the artist from Caspar David Friedrich to Spencer Finch
An artist contemplates a blank canvas or a white piece of paper in the studio or at a table, perhaps waiting for a memory or some inspiration to stimulate that first mark. What follows is an insight i…
26 Apr 2019
Ch.1 The Battle for Realism
The pioneers (1) Niépce and Daguerre ,“I made a dissolution of silver nitrate, much diluted by water, in the same proportions as those indicated in the report above on Photographie, to which I a…
28 Mar 2019
Gordon Matta-Clark and Apertures
The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo is currently featuring the exhibition Gordon Matta-Clark: Mutation in Space. Matta-Clark graduated from Cornell University, where he had majored in architectur…
17 Sep 2018
The Bauhaus and Its Influence in Japan
The Bauhaus, founded in 1919 in Weimar, Germany, laid the foundations for modern design with its innovative curriculum that embraced the abstract and constructivist trends of the time. Despite operati…
09 Jul 2021
“Placing” a Home: East Gilan, Iran, part 2
In Kachalam, a village in East Gilan, a man agreed to show me around in his car despite it only being our first meeting. As he did, I discovered one home that seemed conspicuously old. I told him I wa…
07 Feb 2019
Dry-cured Ham Culatello in Zibello Village
At the beginning of November, I drove a car north from Parma and aimed for Zibello village. As I passed through the central Old City, I saw fields and houses scattered around. As I advanced the car fu…
28 Jan 2019
Zhangcun: The Needs of the Underground Part 2
I’ve come to realize that meeting with elders is the best way to learn about their village. Walking through a loess land of beautiful green trees, I continued to develop this method I’ve worked on thr…
05 Jan 2017
“Placing” a Home: East Gilan, Iran (Part 1)
Iran was an unknown land to me before I visited it myself. My vague image of it had been of a desolate desert dotted with ancient remains. And so I was surprised to learn that Iran, like Japan, had ar…
14 Dec 2018
Houses beyond the Places of Scenic Beauty (1)
We arrive at the town of Wuzhen in northern Zhejiang after a two-hour bus ride from Shanghai. This is an area famous for its beautiful riverside district. Wuzhen is located near the Yangtze River Delt…
05 Oct 2016
Shanghai, Bars of Iron Sprouting from Windows (2)
My steps become lighter now that I’ve decided what I’ll look for. This is the beginning of a trip to search for bars of iron. Ten steps out and I find what I’m looking for. Immediately I discover a ho…
21 Sep 2016
Looking at Freespace through the Windows, Part 3
Vatican Pavilion (Holy See Pavilion) Andrew Berman Curators: Francesco Dal Co (Architectural Historian, Professor at Istituto Universitario di Architettura Venezia, and Editor-in-Chief of CASABELLA), …
20 Nov 2018
Movie “The Birth Canal”
movie “The Birth Canal” ,“Hashirama equipment” is a term used for cultural assets and refers to the entire architectural components between pillars. Specifically, the hashirama equipment i…
17 Jan 2017
Spaces In Between
Korean artist Do Ho Suh, who is perhaps best known for his translucent fabric recreations of real buildings, has continued to explore the relationship between existence and space through his work. In …
01 Oct 2018
Part 2: Jo-an
It seems reasonable to assume that chanoyu, or the Japanese “Way of Tea” established by Sen no Rikyu, was spread and led by sengoku busho or warlords. It is clearly explained by the fact t…
10 Aug 2018
Kinnaur District, North India: The Overhanging Village (Part 3)
I walked back to the home in the small village in order to pick up the pants that had been sewn for me overnight. It seemed that there, the mother wove fabric from wool while the father turned that ma…
15 Jun 2018
Architectural Ethnography, Part A
To commemorate the occasion of the 16th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia (May 26th-November 25th, 2018), the Window Research Institute caught up with Momoyo Kaijima, curato…
01 Jun 2018
Windows as Connectors between the Inside and Outside
Architect Ryue Nishizawa has designed a wide variety of projects, including houses, a church, a station square, and art museums. He has also found international success through SANAA, a practice that …
06 Sep 2016
How Technology Changes the Future of Windows
Nader Tehrani is an Iranian-American designer who has completed numerous architectural projects worldwide. Having served as the Head of the Department of Architecture at MIT from 2010 to 2014, he is n…
06 Sep 2016
Kinnaur District, North India: The Overhanging Village (Part 2)
Many valley-side settlements located 2-3,000 meters above sea level can be found in the district of Kinnaur. Busses run daily even here in the mountains of North India, a part of the world surely once…
19 Apr 2018
The Maniac Behind The Glasshouse
Kew Gardens is a botanical research institution situated in southwest London, and is home to the world’s largest collection of living plants. Even though I can still recall the many occasions up…
29 Jun 2016
The scene of brilliant street
It’s pleasant to take a walk on the city of Paris. The roads which were built in a different reason and in a different era are crossing. Walking the street, I can find buildings, cafes and shops…
13 Jun 2016
Part 4: Postmodern Windows that Symbolize Liberation
The aperture in Japanese architecture is the “ma,” or “space between objects.” The aperture in western architecture is the “hole.” What is it in Chinese architecture, then? This is a study on the as o…
10 Apr 2018
Tove Jansson’s Window
Photographer Takashi Homma introduces some compelling windows spliced between his own photos and text. Part 1 of this series delivers five photos – one of which is never before seen – plus an exclusiv…
06 Sep 2016
Old Penang Guest House
The windows of a hotel in Georgetown on the island of Penang, Malaysia. This type of medium-rise residential building with a shop on the first floor is called a shophouse. The second floor juts out ov…
04 Jul 2016
Takashi Homma + Alec Soth Thinking about Windows through Photography
Alec Soth, who has taken many photos of “windows” in various parts of the world, and Takashi Homma, who has speculated on the relationships between windows and photos. The two state-of-the-art photogr…
06 Jul 2016
Movie “Transition of Kikugetsutei”
Kikugetsutei is a teahouse located in the early modern-age daimyo (feudal lord) garden “Ritsurin Garden”, in Takamatsu city, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. The building was used for having tea …
28 Oct 2015
Exhibition “Present State(ment)”
“En: art of nexus” is the theme of the Japan Pavilion at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2016, one of the world’s largest modern architecture festivals. How are …
27 May 2016
Boundary Window
“En: art of nexus” is the theme of the Japan Pavilion at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2016, one of the world’s largest modern architecture festivals. How are …
27 May 2016
Floors and Floods: Siem Reap, Part 1
Siem Reap is one of the cities in Cambodia, along with Angkor Wat, that is hopping with tourists who come to see the ancient ruins that lie there. After seeing some of the major spots in the ruins lik…
11 Jan 2018
la fenêtre à la française
Six years have passed since I arrived in Paris. Although my daily life has been changing and evolving every moment, Paris has kept the skyline since it has been built. The scenery of the small windows…
17 Sep 2015
Tracing the urban brickscape
As surprising as it may seem, I feel that the true quality of a city such as London lies in its “disorderliness”. Within the city, countless elements with various historical backgrounds coexist; their…
17 Sep 2015
WINDOWSCAPE: An Exhibit for the Milano Salone
YKK AP and the internationally acclaimed architectural studio Atelier Bow-Wow put together a joint exhibit for the Milano Salone held in Italy from April 8 to April 24, 2014. In our exhibit, titled WI…
08 Apr 2014
Villa Le Lac
A continuous series of windows facing the water in the Villa Le Lac, designed by Le Corbusier for his mother. The eleven meter long windowsill projects into the room and can be decorated with a variet…
28 Nov 2014
Window Bookcase (1)
This project started when we commissioned o+h, the young wife-and-husband team of architects Maki Onishi and Yuki Hyakuda, to design a bookcase for us. This is the first article in a series of entries…
17 Dec 2014
The Red Earthenware Bowl: Eastern Tibet, Ser thar, Part 1
I boarded a bus in Chengdu, the capital city of the Chinese province of Sichuan, and headed toward eastern Tibet. My destination was the Nyingma Buddhist sect’s Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, located in…
01 Nov 2017
Part 2: Apertures for View
Apertures have many purposes of uses. They are used as light sources, as ventilation, and as portals through which people pass. In each of these examples, they are opened to allow some physical thing …
18 Oct 2017
A Desert Below Sea Level—Turpan, Part 2
I came across a group of grape-drying huts on a hill just off the settlement. These huts I had seen the day I arrived in Turpan while taking a bus to my nearby accommodations some 10 hours after an ex…
22 Mar 2017
Windowology 10th Anniversary Exhibition: The World Through the Window Now Open
Enjoy the full breadth of window culture at YKK AP’s Windowology 10th Anniversary Exhibition: The World Through the Window Now Open ,A showcase of the knowledge and appeal of windows from all times an…
28 Sep 2017
Shizuka Yokomizo + Takashi Homma The Origin of the Idea
One of artist Shizuka Yokomizo’s emblematic works is her Stranger series, in which she has used photography to capture the distance between herself and others across windows. The artist’s personal exp…
26 Sep 2016
The Criminology of Windows
According to sociologist Georg Simmel, windows have two fundamental meanings. Firstly, they create a unilateral connection between the inside and outside. Secondly, they constitute a path that exists …
10 Dec 2019
Part 1: Apertures for Light
Fleeting and weak though it is, light in Scandinavia has a mysterious kind of allure to it. Could it not be that the peoples of Scandinavia worship the light of the sun precisely because it fades so e…
20 Sep 2017
Brand & Advise Office
The windows of a design office in Lisbon’s old district of Chiado. Tall, thin windows that span two floors repeat across the façade. A mezzanine floor faces a double-heighted space in front of the win…
09 Mar 2015
Window Bookcase (2)
This is the second entry on the Window Bookcase Project. We at the Window Research Institute asked o+h, the architectural practice of Maki Onishi and Yuki Hyakuda, to produce a furniture piece that ca…
01 Apr 2015
Opening the Window and Greeting the World
“Windows are the most important element in architecture” says Michele De Lucchi, one of the most renowned architects / designers in Italy. He worked as a prominent figure in “Memphis” led by Ettore So…
03 Aug 2016
30 May 2015
Part 3: The Widely Variant Windows of Modern Chinese Architecture
The aperture in Japanese architecture is the “ma,” or “space between objects.” The aperture in western architecture is the “hole.” What is it in Chinese architecture, then? This is a study on the as o…
08 Mar 2018
Vol. 6 : Window Culture Studies—Towards Further Linguistic Explorations
Linguist Yasunari Ueda looks into the origins of words that mean “window” from around the world to explore the process through which the concepts of the word have expanded over the ages. In this final…
18 Dec 2018
Vol. 5: A Contrastive Linguistic Analysis of Words for “Window”—Based on Comparative Analyses of Japanese, German, English, and Italian Idioms
Linguist Yasunari Ueda looks into the origins of words that mean “window” from around the world to explore the process through which the concepts of the word have expanded over the ages. In Volume 5, …
27 Nov 2018
Experimenting with Windows
The following is an interview with architect Sou Fujimoto, who has designed many internationally recognized projects and continues to propose new possibilities for architecture. We asked him about the…
14 Jan 2014
Vol. 0: Windows from the Perspective of Contrastive Etymology
Linguist Yasunari Ueda looks into the origins of words that mean “window” from around the world to explore the process through which the concepts of the word have expanded over the ages. We will start…
28 Mar 2018