Texts From Articles (61)
Issue 13: Democracy Under Canopies (Fieldoffice Architects)
Democracy and freedom have now spread throughout Taiwan, a place where freedom was once heavily restricted. This is something one can feel even in their daily life. The people of Taiwan are unusually …
18 Nov 2024
“Shoei Yoh: A Journey of Light” Symposium Report
On September 7, 2024, the symposium “Shoei Yoh: A Journey of Light” was held at the AIJ Hall (Architectural Institute of Japan, Tokyo). Centered around the theme of “light”, this event was organized a…
25 Feb 2025
The Windows of the Diffendorfer Memorial Hall and University Chapel at the International Christian University (ICU): Preserving, Passing On, And…
The International Christian University’s campus plan was originally designed by W. M. Vories & Co. and later developed by Antonin Raymond. The Diffendorfer Memorial Hall and University Chapel, whi…
28 Aug 2024
The Window: A Journey of Art and Architecture Through Windows
29 Nov 2019
A window with a memory
I’ve enjoyed drawing pictures ever since I was little, and used to make paintings using my own hands and brushes to apply oil to canvas and panel surfaces. Although I’ve since transitioned to making w…
22 Apr 2024
The Windows of Hiroshi Hara’s Awazu House: Spaces of Light Illuminating the Darkness
The Awazu House, designed by Hiroshi Hara, now searches for a path toward continuity. A number of masterpieces have been created here at this home and atelier of world-famous graphic designer Kiyoshi …
26 Apr 2024
A Home that Draws in Breezes from All Directions: The Fumiko Hayashi House
Fumiko Hayashi (1903–1951), a prominent Showa era writer, established a new residence in Shimoochiai (present-day Nakai), Tokyo, in 1941, amid a time of war. While commissioning the project to archite…
19 Mar 2025
Terunobu Fujimori│007: The Shōji of the Rinshunkaku
In this series, architectural historian Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intriguing windows fo…
01 Feb 2024
The Prince Karuizawa
This pondside hotel consists of a 126-meter-long arced accommodation wing and a public wing. Each gu…
27 Feb 2025
Windows of the Aichi University of the Artsby Junzo Yoshimura and Akio Okumura:The Concrete Science of Living with Nature
The Aichi University of the Arts was built to the designs of Junzo Yoshimura and Akio Okumura in 1966. Situated in the forested hills of Nagakute, Aichi, the campus was planned with consideration of e…
19 Jan 2024
The Prince Karuizawa: The Materiality of Kiyoshi Seike’s Windows
The New Karuizawa Prince Hotel (now The Prince Karuizawa) built in 1982 was designed by Kiyoshi Seike. Seike is known as the architect of a number of Prince hotels locations, with Karuizawa being the …
12 Oct 2023
Issue 9: The Windy County Office—Yilan County Hall (Atelier Zo)
While this column has primarily introduced the windows of unnamed buildings in Taiwan, there are a number of works of modern and contemporary architecture that I would like to discuss. One such struct…
31 Oct 2023
Double Vision
Selecting “wallpaper” or organizing files on a “desktop” are now familiar acts that can either take place on our digital devices or in our living rooms. Through the screen’s interface, we gain access …
06 Jul 2023
Kunié Sugiura – My Window
A window is a structure that lets light into a room and provides a view of the outside world, but when windows appear in photographs, they are often there to serve as a background or explanation for t…
02 Mar 2023
Terunobu Fujimori | 004: The French Windows of the Glover House: Arrivals from India
In this series, architectural historian Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intriguing windows fo…
20 Feb 2023
Between Hatakeyama and Sugiura
Kokei and Jokei: Sights we see, scenes we feel Whenever transparent glass is installed into buildings or trains or cars, a boundary is established, resulting in the creation of an inside and an outsid…
02 Mar 2023
Screen Time
Screens are everywhere: stadiums, stations, billboards, buildings, refrigerators, thermostats, on our wrists, and in our hands. As a physical interface and virtual portal, screens are also the digital…
25 Jan 2023
Terunobu Fujimori | 003: The Vertical Sliding Windows of the Public Speaking Hall (Mita Enzetsukan)
In this series, architectural historian and architect Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intrigu…
24 Aug 2022
Georgia O’Keeffe and Her Windows in New Mexico
At age 62, after living between New York City and New Mexico for many years, artist Georgia O’Keeffe made rural Northern New Mexico her permanent home. There, she lived between two adobe homes well in…
24 Jun 2022
Architecture with “Madosoto” at all times and in all places
Fushimi: Today, as we begin our new series, “Madosoto: Outside Scenery,” we would like to discuss the scenery outside the window. First, let me explain this series’ main purpose. This website has many…
18 Apr 2022
No.0: Six Topics for Makoto Ueda’s Interpretation of the Window Space
To kick off the series “Vague Focal Space at the Window,” I interviewed Makoto Ueda, the former Editor in Chief of Toshi Jutaku (Urban Housing) and GA HOUSES. Here, Mr. Ueda has offered six examples t…
18 Apr 2022
The Windows of the Migishi Atelier: Inheritance and Change
In October of last year (2021), the Migishi Atelier (Kamisaginomiya, Nakano, Tokyo) was opened to the public after the architecture collective GROUP completed a partial renovation of its interior wall…
01 Apr 2022
Terunobu Fujimori| 002: The Diverse Openings of the Yosuitei’s Thirteen-Window Tearoom
In this series, architectural historian and architect Terunobu Fujimori, who has traveled extensively to study buildings of various times and places, will be introducing a selection of notably intrigu…
24 Mar 2022
Windows of the Prouvé House|Jean Prouvé’s Windows #2
The Prouvé House is an intriguing example of a building that was made by piecing together leftover parts from past projects. In the second article of this series, Shin Yokoo examines how Prouvé incorp…
22 Oct 2021
The Smile Sealed Inside a Bubble—Natsume Soseki’s Inside Glass Doors
Natsume Soseki composed Inside Glass Doors at the end of his life. From inside his room, the “I” of these essays watches the days go by, meditating over visions of the past. Toshiyuki Horie, writer an…
16 Mar 2021
A Conversation with Gion A. Caminada
Vrin is a village of fewer than 250 people nestled in a lush valley in the canton of Graubünden in eastern Switzerland. It is also the home of architect Gion A. Caminada, who has designed many buildin…
15 Feb 2021
An Interview with Richard McGuire, the author of Here: Everything is Transitory
Here is a graphic novel spanning more than 300 pages that allows readers to experience millions of years of time while observing a single corner of a room. Since its first publication in 2014, the wor…
26 Jan 2021
Rei Naito: Mirror Creation
Rei Naito is an artist who creates works that converse with the environments that surround them, posing the question “Isn’t simply existing on the earth a blessing in itself?” In the case of Mirror Cr…
02 Nov 2020
Chapter 3: The viewfinder—transparency and voyeurism from Albrecht Dürer to Ai Weiwei
Every representational image ever made is necessarily a finite framing of the outside world, a viewfinder presenting only what the creator wants us to see. This finite point of view is configured insi…
08 Oct 2020
Movie “A City of Columns”
movie “A City of Columns” ,Hashirama sōchi (intercolumnar device) is a term used concerning cultural assets that refers to any architectural element that can be placed in the bays between columns. Exa…
03 Aug 2020
A Conversation with Gigon / Guyer
The Chair of Architectural Behaviorology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), led by architect Momoyo Kaijima, conducted a series of interviews with architects based in Switz…
17 Jun 2020
Windows in Photography: Conversations with Iwan Baan, Takashi Homma and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
Three panelists discuss how photography, architecture, and windows are interrelated. They are Iwan Baan, who has been photographing prominent architectural works by the world’s leading architect…
09 Apr 2020
Chiharu Shiota The Sense of Daily Life and Smells Soaked into Windows Gives Power to My Work
Chiharu Shiota is an ever-active Berlin-based artist. In works such as her large-scale installations that tie spaces together with massive amounts of threads, she has used clothes, beds, suitcases, an…
15 Oct 2019
Chapter 2: The frame – the window as optical device or trompe l’oeil from Mantegna to Ryan Gander
Whether facing outwards to the world or inwards to the self, an artist is often restrained by the framing device of the window—unable to break free from a rectilinear box or blank surface that demands…
03 Feb 2020
Memories of a Skylight: Tashqurqan, Part 1
I headed further west from Turpan by train to arrive at a city in the western reaches of China called Kashgar. From there, I climbed a mountain for 7 hours aboard a bus that kicked up sand and dust al…
31 May 2017
Starting by Surrounding: Takht-e Soleymān, Iran
I took a cheap shared taxi from Zanjan in northwest Iran, headed next to the ancient ruins of Takht-e Soleymān. An archeological site centered around a massive crater lake, Takht-e Soleymān is said to…
03 Jul 2019
Chapter 1: The studio – exploring the mind of the artist from Caspar David Friedrich to Spencer Finch
An artist contemplates a blank canvas or a white piece of paper in the studio or at a table, perhaps waiting for a memory or some inspiration to stimulate that first mark. What follows is an insight i…
26 Apr 2019
Zhangcun: The Needs of the Underground Part 3
I realized something was strange here in the centenarian’s Yaodong. The entrances to Yaodongs are generally shaped into a pointed arc, but upon closer inspection, I noticed that the corner arches were…
26 Jan 2017
The Bauhaus and Its Influence in Japan
The Bauhaus, founded in 1919 in Weimar, Germany, laid the foundations for modern design with its innovative curriculum that embraced the abstract and constructivist trends of the time. Despite operati…
09 Jul 2021
Dry-cured Ham Culatello in Zibello Village
At the beginning of November, I drove a car north from Parma and aimed for Zibello village. As I passed through the central Old City, I saw fields and houses scattered around. As I advanced the car fu…
28 Jan 2019
Windows: Openings and devices
Laurent Stalder, a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ), has researched various threshold devices in architecture, and published about the topic under the title “Thr…
12 Dec 2018
Liquid Light
Held during the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018, the exhibition “Liquid Light” presents an adaptive reuse project in which the Barcelona-based architect duo Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats …
12 Oct 2018
In New York: Windows and Looks
Since traveling to New York in the 1970s, artist Masao Gozu has spent over 40 years unveiling work that takes the window as its theme. His Bowery Street (Day ⇔ Night) series that captures New York’s i…
12 Jul 2018
Architectural Ethnography, Part A
To commemorate the occasion of the 16th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia (May 26th-November 25th, 2018), the Window Research Institute caught up with Momoyo Kaijima, curato…
01 Jun 2018
MOMAT Collection “Windows and Photography”
The Windows and Photography exhibition was held as a part of MOMAT Collection from May 24 to August 7, 2016. Photographer Takashi Homma, who has explored the relationship between photos and windows to…
06 Sep 2016
Thoughts on “The Joys of Making Windows”
This serial article, “the Joys of Making Windows” by Hiroto Kobayashi Laboratory of Keio University, comprises five parts and introduces their window-making projects in various locations a…
20 Mar 2018
Tove Jansson’s Window
Photographer Takashi Homma introduces some compelling windows spliced between his own photos and text. Part 1 of this series delivers five photos – one of which is never before seen – plus an exclusiv…
06 Sep 2016
Takashi Homma + Alec Soth Thinking about Windows through Photography
Alec Soth, who has taken many photos of “windows” in various parts of the world, and Takashi Homma, who has speculated on the relationships between windows and photos. The two state-of-the-art photogr…
06 Jul 2016
Into the Depth of the Window
The end of summer time, like the morning air which feels more and more crisp as the days go by, is one of those things that remind me of the coming of the long winter season. This “summer time” is a s…
08 Mar 2016
fear and pleasure, and as theater
The city of Paris is divided into 20 arrondissements. First arrondissement including the Louvre Museum is located approximately at the center of Paris. From there, the arrondissemens are numbered in a…
21 Dec 2015
Boundary Window
“En: art of nexus” is the theme of the Japan Pavilion at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2016, one of the world’s largest modern architecture festivals. How are …
27 May 2016
The Red Earthenware Bowl: Eastern Tibet, Ser thar, Part 2
I descended to the center of Larung Gar, where it seemed a lecture or assembly had just ended, as priests were entering and leaving the building one after another. The sight of people wearing the same…
07 Dec 2017
Part 2: Apertures for View
Apertures have many purposes of uses. They are used as light sources, as ventilation, and as portals through which people pass. In each of these examples, they are opened to allow some physical thing …
18 Oct 2017
Shizuka Yokomizo + Takashi Homma The Origin of the Idea
One of artist Shizuka Yokomizo’s emblematic works is her Stranger series, in which she has used photography to capture the distance between herself and others across windows. The artist’s personal exp…
26 Sep 2016
High-rise condos and windows—from functionality to scenery—
The Attractiveness of A View Partial Ocean View, Ocean View, Ocean Front. If, upon hearing these words, you know what they are referring to, it is probably safe to say that you enjoy traveling. This i…
22 Aug 2019
Terunobu Fujimori “Holes”
Terunobu Fujimori has been producing highly original architecture that makes use of nature, such as wood, soil, and plants, as exemplified in his works including the Flying Mud Boat, Grass Roof, and M…
15 Jun 2021
Cats, Fashion, and Windows
Madoka Hattori is the director of ilove.cat, an online magazine themed on cats and creators, and a freelance editor for honeyee.com and .fatale, two prominent online fashion magazines that define Toky…
25 Nov 2014
Hiroshi Nakamura Windows and Affection
The following interview was held with architect Hiroshi Nakamura, who has been gaining recognition for the numerous projects that he has designed with the theme of creating a sense of affection. We as…
19 Aug 2013
Concept of a Window
Mr. Taro Igarashi interviewed Architect Hiroshi Hara who gave influence and posed problems. The interview was attempted to ascertain the results of human settlement survey and the concept of windows, …
24 May 2013
Part 1: The Window in Classical Architecture [The Hole]
The aperture in Japanese architecture is the “ma,” or “space between objects.” The aperture in western architecture is the “hole.” What is it in Chinese architecture, then? This is a study on the as o…
09 Jan 2018
Experimenting with Windows
The following is an interview with architect Sou Fujimoto, who has designed many internationally recognized projects and continues to propose new possibilities for architecture. We asked him about the…
14 Jan 2014