Projecting window
A window where the sash slide along a rail installed on the window frame, swinging open outward while shifting toward the center. If the rails are positioned at the top and bottom of the frame, allowing the sash to open vertically, it is called a ” projecting casement window.” If the rails are placed on the sides of the frame, enabling the sash to open horizontally, it is referred to as a ” top-hung projecting window.”
Texts From Articles (13)
CCA-WRI Research Fellowship 2024
This fellowship program, launched jointly with the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), is open to accomplished professionals who hold a doctoral degree or have substantial work experience and a co…
31 Jul 2024
CCA-WRI Research Fellowship 2024
This fellowship program, launched jointly with the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), is open to accomplished professionals who hold a doctoral degree or have substantial work experience and a co…
01 Aug 2023
The Windows of Hiroshi Hara’s Awazu House: Spaces of Light Illuminating the Darkness
The Awazu House, designed by Hiroshi Hara, now searches for a path toward continuity. A number of masterpieces have been created here at this home and atelier of world-famous graphic designer Kiyoshi …
26 Apr 2024
Windows of the Aichi University of the Artsby Junzo Yoshimura and Akio Okumura:The Concrete Science of Living with Nature
The Aichi University of the Arts was built to the designs of Junzo Yoshimura and Akio Okumura in 1966. Situated in the forested hills of Nagakute, Aichi, the campus was planned with consideration of e…
19 Jan 2024
Screen Time
Screens are everywhere: stadiums, stations, billboards, buildings, refrigerators, thermostats, on our wrists, and in our hands. As a physical interface and virtual portal, screens are also the digital…
25 Jan 2023
Japan House London presents Windowology: New Architectural Views from Japan
The Window Research Institute is pleased to announce the exhibition Windowology: New Architectural Views from Japan, from 1 December 2021 until 24 April 2022 at Japan House London. Booking from here. …
01 Oct 2021
A Conversation with Peter Märkli
Peter Märkli, one of Switzerland’s leading architects, started his career after meeting his mentor, the architect Rudolf Olgiati. In 1978 he established his own studio, Studio Märkli, in Zurich. Since…
17 May 2021
Horizontal Outward Projecting Window
In this sort of window, the upper frame serves as the axis of rotation: it moves up or down along a groove or rail attached to the top and bottom of the window frame. The window opens when the lower f…
27 Oct 2020
Vertical Outward Projecting Window
In this sort of window, either the left or right frame serves as the axis of rotation: it moves to the left or right along a groove or rail attached to the top and bottom of the window frame. The othe…
30 Jul 2020
Part 2: Yoshiharu Tsukamoto “Window Behaviorology”
Yoshiharu Tsukamoto (Architect, Atelier Bow-Wow) has conducted “Window Behaviorology”, an extensive field work on windows around the world, since he joined Windowology in 2007. In the seco…
13 Nov 2018
Architectural Intention behind Technology
Reiser + Umemoto is the architect duo behind the design of the O-14 office tower in Dubai. What ultimately supported the realization of the complex architectural design that could only be developed wi…
27 Sep 2016
How Technology Changes the Future of Windows
Nader Tehrani is an Iranian-American designer who has completed numerous architectural projects worldwide. Having served as the Head of the Department of Architecture at MIT from 2010 to 2014, he is n…
06 Sep 2016
Societies and Fluctuations in Numbers of Windows—Some thoughts on the Question of “windows” During Times of Change
Societies with an Increase in Windows as the Modern The era of modernity was also the era of the window. As populations rose and production forces grew stronger, building environments trying to accomm…
25 Jul 2019