Toshiyuki Horie (Writer)
Toshiyuki Horie is a writer and a scholar of French literature. After graduating from Waseda University with a degree in French Studies, he began a Ph.D. at Tokyo University. On a scholarship from the French government, he studied abroad at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. In 1995, he made his debut with To the Suburbs (Hakusuisha), an essayistic account of his experience studying in France. In 2001, his novel The Bear and the Paving Stone (Kodansha) was awarded the 124th Akutagawa Prize. Today, he teaches in the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences at Waseda University. His major works include How the Shape Disappears (Shinchosha), The Space They Filled (Nikkei), On Cloudy Skies (Toshi Shuppan), and Under the Old Lens God (Bungeishunjusha).