Maki Onishi + Yuki Hyakuda / o+h (Architect)
Maki Onishi. Born 1983. Graduated from the Kyoto University Undergraduate School of Architecture and completed the doctoral program at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering. Taught as a guest professor at Kyoto Seika University and as a special guest professor at the Nagoya University of Arts in 2013. Has been teaching as an adjunct lecturer at Yokohama National University and Hosei University since 2013.
Yuki Hyakuda. Born 1982. Graduated from the Kyoto University Undergraduate School of Architecture and completed the doctoral program at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering. Worked at Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects from 2009 to 2014.
Onishi and Hyakuda have been the co-directors of onishimaki+hyakudayuki architects / o+h since 2008. They have been engaged in a wide variety of activities centered on architectural design, including installations and community-building projects. Their representative projects include the Double-Helix House (2011) and Home-for-All for Children in Higashi-Matsushima (2013). They have received numerous awards, including the 2007 SD Review Kajima Award and 2012 Yoshioka Award.