Atsuko Tanaka
Born in Tokyo, Japan. Adjunct lecturer at Kanagawa University. Completed bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture at the Tokyo University of the Arts and a master’s degree at SCI-Arc. Holds a Doctor of Engineering. Having spent nine years in the US and Canada, her research has been focused on the history of architectural exchanges between Japan and the US, Japonism in architecture, and housing and women. Has taught as an assistant at the Tokyo University of the Arts (1991–93); an adjunct lecturer at the Nippon Institute of Technology, Tokyo Denki University, Musashi University, and Kanagawa University (2008–17); and as a specially appointed professor at the Shibaura Institute of Technology (2017–21). Major publications include Within White Boxes: The Architecture of Kameki Tsuchiura (Kajima Institute Publishing, 2014), Living in Great American Houses (Kenchiku Shiryo Kenkyusha, 2009), Biggu ritoru nobu: Raito no deshi josei kenchikuka Tsuchiura Nobuko [Big Little Nobu: Nobuko Tsuchiura, Female Architect and Disciple of Wright] (co-author; Domesu Publishers, 2001), and Amerika mokuzō kenchiku no tabi [A Journey to American Wooden Houses] (co-author; Maruzen Publishing, 1992).